Button top – a specialty food of Central Coast Vietnam

Button top (Ốc ruốc, Oc ruoc) is a species of sea snail which has solid, rounded shell which is up to 2 cm wide. It shows a glossy, highly variable and colorfully patterned exterior. Button top looks like cloth button. They are abundant in Central Coast Vietnam. Button top is a valuable gift from the sea to local people. It is a favorite food in Central Coast Vietnam and has become a specialty food of this region. Great tasting button top is one of the most beautiful memories of people who were born and have grown up on the coast of Central Vietnam. Every year from January to March of the Lunar calendar, they harvest the snails, local markets are full of button top cooked with lemongrass which smell spreads widely in the air. The Button top – a specialty food of Central Coast Vietnam has been more and more popular other regions of the country. For example, it is famous Saigon street food and beloved by lots of people of all ages.

Because it is very small so that it is not easy to cook and eat it. The snails should be washed for many times in seawater or water after washing rice to remove dirt inside them. Soak the snails in seawater for 24 hours to make sure they are clean completely. It is marinated with lemongrass, salt, chili pepper and black pepper and hung in the kitchen where there are charcoal ovens. When eating, stir-fry quickly the snail with oil which has been used to fry shallots, chili salt, ginger fish sauce.

To eat, use a pomelo thorn to get the snail meat from the shells. The salty, greasy, tender, a little chewy snail meat whet your appetite. It takes so much time to eat this food so that it is better to eat it with your family or your friend. Do not miss Button top – a specialty food of Central Coast Vietnam on your trip to the country. It is worth a try.

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