Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

Chau Doc in An Giang Province is famous for Sam Mountain and dozens of religious sites that attract thousands of Vietnamese followers and international visitors. What to eat in this city? Fermented foods from fishes and vegetables are the specialty foods of Chau Doc. If you would like to eat something hot, with broth, like noodle soup, Rice noodle soup with fish or Bún cá is a great choice. In fact, you can see Rice noodle soup with fish stalls and restaurants everywhere in An Giang, especially Chau Doc. Local people love to eat this healthy and delicious food.

Rice noodle soup with fish consists of thin rice noodles which are white, tender, a little chewy, and slippery. The delicious broth is kept boiled in a very big pot. Ingredients for the broth are turmeric, lemongrass, “ngải bún”, fermented acetes, rock sugar, garlic, and shallots. This yellow-brown broth is the soul of the whole dish. The rice noodles are covered with the broth, topped with snakehead flesh which is stir-fried before serving. The flesh has a light yellow color and a special smell. Vegetables are put directly into the bowl, they include shredded banana blossom, Egyptan riverhemp, bean sprouts, shredded morning glory. Customers can ask vendors to add heads of snakehead or fertilized duck eggs into their bowls.

To eat the noodle soup, diner uses a spoon to eat the broth and a pair of chopsticks to eat the others. Black pepper salt, chili salt, chili sauce, lime wedges are available on the table. Diners can add them to their bowl or dip the fish into the mixes or the sauce.

Where to eat this delicious food? It is sold popularly in An Giang, especially in Chau Doc. You can eat a hot bowl of Bún cá in Chau Doc Market and around the market. Or simply ask the receptionist at your hotel, she will be happy where to eat the best Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc.

Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

A bowl of Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc looks amazing.

Snakehead flesh - Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

The yellow snakehead flesh tastes tender and a little chewy.

Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

Heads of snakehead or fertilized duck eggs.

broth - Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

The broth is cooked and kept boiled in a very big pot.

shredded banana blossom, Egyptan riverhemp, bean sprouts, shredded morning glory - Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

Shredded banana blossom, Egyptan riverhemp, bean sprouts, shredded morning glory.

Chili salt - Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

Chili salt is hot and salty.

Salty and spicy black pepper salt - Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

Salty and spicy black pepper salt.

Red chili sauce - Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

Red chili sauce.

Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

This woman has cooked and served Rice noodle soup with fish (Bún cá) for dozens of years in Chau Doc City, An Giang Province.

Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc

A small restaurant serving Rice noodle soup with fish in Chau Doc. It is cooler to sit right on the pavement.

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